Wave Pattern

Riverscapes Viewer

View Riverscapes Data With Curated Symbology and Map Table of Contents

Easily explore explore riverscape projects as maps, with repeatable, curated symbology and meaningful layer organization.

Consistent Cartography
Stop wasting time repeatedly symbolizing layers. Riverscapes Viewers automatically apply carefully curated symbology to data, ensuring the same look and feel every time.


Riverscapes Viewers are available for QGIS and ArcGIS Pro. A web version is embedded within the Riverscapes Data Exchange that allows you to explore riverscape projects in your web browser. A legacy version is also available for ArcGIS 10.x.

Connect to Riverscapes

The Viewers are designed to work with riverscapes projects, which contain specific collections of data related to riverscapes. You can discover riverscape projects from the Riverscapes Data Exchange. You open any riverscapes project in the Viewer and a project explorer exposes curated project contents.

A Riverscape Project tree view

Most riverscape project types include primarily GIS data, displayed with meaningful names and icons and the curated symbology. However, the viewer also exposes non-GIS data, like reports, json, tabular data, xml, imagery, PDFs, databases and more. Clicking on a geopspatial layer adds it to the current map in a carefulluy designed order with predefined symbology tailored to the layer in question.

Wave Pattern

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